This is the changelog for the Costs to Expect Website. In our updates
we try not to say bug fixes and improvements
, however,
we may on occasion list slightly less detail here
if we don't feel it is necessary to mention a change.
This website is Open Source so you can simply head on over to
to see everything.
The Costs to Expect Website consumes the Costs to Expect API, the full changelog for
the Costs to Expect API can also be found on
GitHub, both
products are Open Source.
[v2.02.0] - 4th July 2023
- We have added an additional link to Budget Pro.
- We have added links to our game scorers.
- We have updated all back end dependencies.
[v2.01.1] - 3rd February 2023
- We have updated all back end dependencies.
- We have removed the app from the side panel and added links to Budget and Budget Pro.
- We have implemented a minor tweak to try and correct the occasional 500 error.
[v2.01.0] - 17th July 2022
- We have updated the website to target v3 of the Costs to Expect API.
[v2.00.0] - 22nd June 2022
- We have updated all our dependencies, front-end and back-end.
- We have adjusted the cache to three days.
- We have tweaked the docker setup.
- We have Upgraded to Laravel 9 and PHP 8.1.
[v1.13.2] - 16th February 2021
- We have upgraded to version 7 of the Laravel framework.
- We have upgraded our environment to PHP8.0 and MySQL 8.0
[v1.13.1] - 8th October 2020
- We have updated all our dependencies, front-end and back-end.
- We have updated the website to handle the new format of categories from the Costs to Expect API.
- We have slightly tweaked the look of categories in the expense tables.
[v1.13.0] - 27th September 2020
- We have updated the Website to use the latest version of the Costs to Expect API, v2.14.0.
- We return additional information for failed API requests.
[v1.12.7] - 19th June 2020
- We have switched to Redis for our caching.
- We have updated our cache to eight hours.
[v1.12.6] - 7th June 2020
- We have updated the expense tables; it is possible for the category and subcategory values to
be `null`.
[v1.12.5] - 6th June 2020
- We are updating the Website to run on PHP7.4.
- We have updated the Website to work with v2.11.0 of the Costs to Expect API. The format of the categories object was updated.
- We have tweaked the Docker setup, we have added a network.
- When we hastily added the caching, we did not cache the response headers, only the body. We have updated the Website to cache the response body and headers.
- We have removed a link that would direct the user to a page we know will not have content.
[v1.12.4] - 14th May 2020
- We have updated the dependencies for our website, front-end and back-end dependencies.
- We have added a check to stop processing when we come across a subcategory or category id that is not formatted correctly.
- We have removed an invalid link on the child page; we were linking to the detail page for a year when there is no data.
[v1.12.3] - 12th April 2020
- We have updated the font; the new font is the same font we use for the rest of the service.
- We have fixed the pagination on the all expenses page; the limit parameter was not set.
[v1.12.2] - 5th March 2020
- We have updated the category descriptions.
- We have added a link to our blog.
- We have removed `expenses` from the subcategory descriptions.
[v1.12.1] - 26th February 2020
- Search the name field rather than the description field.
- Selecting a subcategory will now jump you to the expenses table.
[v1.12.0] - 17th February 2020
- We have added caching for the requests not covered in the v1.11.0 update.
- We have updated the back-end dependencies.
- We have updated the front-end dependencies and switch to using the slim and minified versions.
- We have refactored the 'Request/Api' class to remove code duplication.
- We have increased the cache lifetime to four hours.
- We have fixed a typo in the 'Request/Api' class.
[v1.11.0] - 3rd February 2020
- We have updated the Docker configuration to include a MySQL database.
- We have added the 'migrations' table.
- We have added the `sessions` and `cache` table migrations.
- We have updated the website to cache some responses from the Costs to Expect API; API responses get cached for one hour. The caching solution is temporary and will be updated soon(tm).
- We have updated the dependencies for the website.
- We have made a minor tweak to the `web.config` file.
- We have added the hover for menu items.
- We have corrected a date in the changelog.
[v1.10.9] - 16th January 2020
- We have added a banner for the Costs to Expect app.
- Minor SEO tweaks.
- We have added a link to the status page for the service.
- We have updated the copyright, now a personal project, not attached to G3D Development Limited.
- - We have tweaked the content on the about page.
- The date for current year on the dashboard is incorrect.
[v1.10.8] - 17th December 2019
- We have added links to the API and the App.
[v1.10.7] - 12th December 2019
- LICENSE file missing.
- Updated dependencies.
[v1.10.6] - 12th November 2019
- We have corrected the shown date of birth for Niall.
- The subcategories API request should return the entire collection.
[v1.10.5] - 4th October 2019
- The website was asking the Costs to Expect API to search on the wrong field.
[v1.10.4] - 24th September 2019
- The format of the returned expense item has changed, we have updated all views to use `name` rather than `description`.
[v1.10.3] - 23rd September 2019
- We have updated a couple of calls to the API, category routes in the API have been moved.
- The expenses list errors when a filtered expense response contains no results.
[v1.10.2] - 17th September 2019
- We have added a `version` property to the `Uri` class so it will be simpler to switch to a newer version of the Costs to Expect API in the future.
- The Costs to Expect website consumes data from v2 of the Costs to Expect API.
- The website displays a warning if the root of the API returns a 404.
[v1.10.1] - 31st August 2019
- We have added a CHANGELOG file to the repo, it will contain full details of all changes post v1.10.0.
- We have updated the CHANGELOG and added links to the GitHub repositories for the
Costs to Expect Website and API.
[v1.10.0] - 27th August 2019 (Open Source release)
- We have added a README with a brief overview and set up instructions.
- We have added Google Analytics to the website, GPDR friendly.
- We have added a privacy policy page.
- New content for the Changelog content page ready for the Open Source release.
- New content for the About content page ready for the Open Source release.
- We have removed the meta details for each release, they are no longer necessary
now that the website has been Open Sourced.
[v1.09.2] - 21st August 2019
- We have updated the copyright for the website; it should have been my company and not me.
- We now send additional information for API request errors. The additional information is limited to HTTP verb, class and method names.
- We have added a check to redirect when an invalid category and subcategory are requested. The page correctly handled the request, but now we strip the subcategory from the URI.
[v1.09.1] - 9th August 2019
- Year and month summary pages for Niall forwarding to Jack.
- Minor content correction.
[v1.09.0] - 31st July 2019
- The API request class logs unexpected responses from the Costs to Expect API.
- The filter summary displays when a search term is used to filter the expenses.
- Updated dependencies.
- Upgraded to v1.00.3 of `deanblackborough/laravel-view-helpers`, corrects a small issue with the pagination URIs.
- Slightly better error pages.
[v1.08.0] - 23rd July 2019
- Filter summary added to the expenses view, whenever a filter is applied, you will get a summary for the filter.
- Added pagination controls below the expenses table.
- Minor changes to the design.
- Minor changes to the text in some of the summary counts.
- Month filter only being applied to request if year filter set.
- Subcategory filter not disabled when there are no selectable options.
- The subcategory filter cleared options when the category value changed; We now disable the element if we need to load new subcategories.
[v1.07.1] - 18th July 2019
- We have tweaked the mobile, and the main website menu, the active state is more evident, and the mobile menu matches the main site menu.
- Correction to the changelog.
[v1.07.0] - 18th July 2019
- Search added to the full expenses view, allows you to search on expense description.
- Year no longer treated differently in the filter code.
- General code refactoring.
- Under specific scenarios, the URI on the final assigned filter is incorrect.
[v1.06.2] - 15th July 2019
- Child details view component.
- Assigned filters view component.
- Filters view component.
- Expenses table view component.
- Modified the Docker setup, moved composer into Docker and added Xdebug for local development.
- Icons in summary counts are clickable.
- We have created a separate view helpers library.
- We have tweaked link colours and table heading colours.
- Refactoring in preparation for new development.
- Total expenses count on child detail page.
- URLs on Niall's page.
- Spelling error on "What we count?" page
[v1.06.1] - 6th July 2019
- The URLs for the category details pages have changed, now referenced by category id, not the name; we may
need to change the names in the future.
- Link colour darkened.
- The number of expenses count is now always the total, not for the section.
- The view all expenses links have been updated to filter the full expenses list based on the current context.
- The site now runs on PHP 7.3.
- Filtering the form now jumps you down to the expenses data table rather than the top of the page.
- Filtering the form does not respect the selected limit value.
[v1.06.0] - 5th July 2019
- An expenses page to allow viewing and filtering of all the expenses assigned to a child.
- A
method added to the API request helper.
- Added the API request method to the API requests table.
- We have updated the descriptive name of each API request.
- Minor layout change to the API requests table for phone and tablet sized screens.
- We have updated all the tables, now include links to the new expenses page.
- The current year links on the dashboard go to the relevant child year page.
[v1.05.0] - 24th June 2019
- A category summary page for each child.
- A subcategory summary page for each child.
- An annual summary page each child.
- A monthly summary page each child.
- Layout change to the child detail section; the order of values is not correct on mobile size screens.
- Meta details added to the changelog.
- Changed the order of the years in the last three years summary.
[v1.04.1] - 19th June 2019
- The Costs to Expect website checks the status of the Costs to Expect API, if it is down, a message is displayed to explain the lack of data.
- The website gracefully handles the Costs to Expect API being down.
- The website only calls a specific endpoint once per request, models retain state so that subsequent calls are free.
- Split the largest expense value; we now show the top expense per category.
- Minor layout changes to the intro section on the child pages, updates for all screen sizes.
- API requests section links to API calls.
- Code refactoring, getting everything in order to enable new feature.
- Removed redundant horizontal line on the child detail page.
[v1.04.0] - 3rd June 2019
- The dashboard shows live data from the Costs to Expect API.
- The detail page for Jack shows live data from the Costs to Expect API.
- The detail page for Niall shows live data from the Costs to Expect API.
- Minor content changes for mobile layout.
- Disabled the all years pages, I need to do some additional development before bringing them back.
[v1.03.2] - 31st May 2019
- Minor update to layout, added meta tags for social networks.
- Altered the dashboard title.
- Content update to 'What we count?' page.
[v1.03.1] - 29th May 2019
- Pagination controls should not show the prefix text on mobile.
[v1.03.0] - 29th May 2019
- Summary block view component.
- Summary block container view component.
- Pagination view component.
- API requests page view component.
- Opted not to add a border radius to inputs.
- Modified pagination layout for mobile, just show next and previous as well as page
number, moved per page control onto the same line.
- The content pages now use a general layout file rather than defining everything in the view.
- Content updates for text before tables.
- Minor spelling error in the text above the last 25 expenses on the dashboard.
- Removed the 100% height on elements, causing minor scrolling issues on some mobile devices.
[v1.02.0] - 9th May 2019
- The initial idea for years summary pages.
- What do we count? content page.
- Menu view components to generate the site menus.
- Content after headings to give a small overview of data.
- The initial idea for pagination.
- The child detail pages now show an expenses summary for the last three years, not three months.
- The initial work on making the site dynamic, controllers, layout files etc.
- Typo, Niall's name incorrect on the detail page, shown as Jack.
[v1.01.0] - 27th April 2019
- The initial design for the detail pages for
and Niall
- A
menu item to explain what expenses are counted.
- Minor tweak to the mobile layout, the corner background image was too large.
- Desktop menu items may support icons.
- Update to the welcome section on mobile, I was showing the logo twice.
Blackborough Children
menu missing from About and Changelog views.
- API requests breaking out of the table.
[v1.00.1] - 23rd April 2019
- Minor content update, added
[v1.00.0] - 20th April 2019
- Released the initial design, fully responsive, Mobile through to Desktop.
- Simple dashboard to show an overview of expenses [Sample data].
- About page, provides a little detail on the future service and website.
- Changelog, this page, detail every change to the website.